Students - Single View (beta)
We’re releasing a “beta” version of an updated “Students - Single View” page. It has more modern design, greater interactivity, and uses our new web technology framework.

Notice that the student photo and alerts are visible when viewing any tab. This has been a frequent customer request.
We also moved the buttons to the top, and search options to the cog icon.

The new page provides improved interactivity, allowing users to launch full-sized editing UIs – instead of navigating within the tab.

We’re excited about the new “beta” page, and would encourage users to try it. You’ll see links on “Admin Main” and in the menu. Feel free to send us feedback.

The “beta” is just a start of the work we plan. For now “Historical Grades” and “Online Registration” are the only tabs that launch a popup editing UI. We expect further development to update the rest.
As is customary, the original “Students - Single View” page will continue to be supported. Users don’t need to change, if they’d rather not. When the new page is complete, and significantly better, we’ll rename the original page as “Classic,” and nudge users to use the latest.
From a wider perspective, this is part of our effort to add more interactivity and usability to our software. Over the last year we’ve been using new web technology to implement better features. You should see more modern pages become available soon. Feel free to read our previous news for more context:
New Web Development Framework
We hope that you like the new “Students - Single View” page.
The Common Goal Team