Earned Credits Report



We’ve been expanding the data available in our new reports. While this is a work in progress (and will have an accompanying news article), we recently added graduation requirements.  It should be helpful to high school guidance counselors as they close out the year.  To view earned credits in the new report, navigate to:


Reports > Saved Reports > Create Report > Data Type: Graduation Requirements



The report displays student progress toward graduation requirements. 



To view earned credits for each student, click the and add the column “Graduation Requirement Type.” You can also remove the "Satisfying Classes or Tests" column to make the report easier to read.



Then filter “Graduation Requirements Type” to “Overall Credits” (click on the column to access the filter menu). 



The resulting report will list the credits required and credits earned for each student. 


Options at the top of the report allow you to include current and future schedules. 


Buttons at the bottom make it easy to print or export to excel. The report can be saved, so you can run it in the future. 



The Common Goal Team